Hi, Fly Guy! (Beginning Reader)

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A fly went flying and he was looking for something to eat. At the same time a little boy went walking. The boy went walking because he was looking for something to catch for a pet show. The fly flew into the boy which caused him to ultimately be caught by the boy. The boy put the fly into a jar and this angered the fly because he wanted to be free. The fly was so upset that he stomped his foot and said "buzz". This surprised the little boy because his name was Buzz so he thought the fly was the smartest fly in the world. Buzz (the little boy) took the fly home to show his parents his new pet. He wanted them to hear his smart fly say his name so he let the fly out of the jar. The fly flew out of the jar and Buzz's dad attempted to kill the fly because he did not think that flies should be kept as pets. While Buzz's dad went around chasing the fly, the fly cried out "Buzz" which made Buzz's dad, just like his son think that the fly was smart. Buzz and his father decided to name the fly and they named him "Fly Guy". When Buzz takes Fly Guy to the pet show all of the judges laugh and say that "flies can't be pets, they are only pests". This made Buzz sad and so Buzz opened the jar to let Fly Guy be free because "flies can't be pets". Instead of flying away Fly Guy attempted to convince the judges that he was a pet and the judges finally agreed that he was indeed a pet. Fly Guy even won the award for smartest pet.

I would rate this book three out of four stars. Arnold does a great job using a simple sound (buzz) and making a joke out of it. This book is very simple with very basic words. The chapters within the book are also very short and to the point. This is to obviously keep younger readers entertained but the chapters even though they are short and sweet don't feel like they are rushed or lacking anything. The artwork in the book is very basic but it is different than most illustrations in other books. As a whole this book is very entertaining and would be great for any young readers who are transitioning to chapter books.

Title: Hi, Fly Guy!
Author: Tedd Arnold
Publisher: Cartwheel/ Scholastic
Publication Date: September 9, 2005

⭐⭐⭐ out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐


  1. This series used to annoy me--just seemed gross and frivolous. However, I can definitely say that it appealed to both my sons as they were starting to read beginning chapter books. The author writes both fictional stories with Fly Guy but also a second series that is more informational in nature. They are actually very well researched and engaging to kids.


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